Which Fucking Glengarry Glen Ross Character Are You?

It takes brass balls to take this quiz.

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Online quizzes. What are they? An opportunity. To what? To waste time? Perhaps. To waste a lot of time? Perhaps. To indulge and learn about ourselves? Bullshit. Here's a quiz. And maybe that's true. Now let it tell you...

Which Fucking Glenngarry Glen Ross Character Are You?
(Tell the truth. It's the easiest thing to remember.)

How often do you swear?

Every fucking other fucking word
Some of the fucking time
Hardly fucking ever

Your drinking habits are best described as:

Light to moderate
Moderate to heavy
Hard to say, as you can never remember how much you drank

Coffee is for:

Closers only
Sobering up

At work, are you:

Hot, if you could only get the support
Doing what you're paid to do
No fucking good

Your moral compass:

Points to true North
Could use some adjustment
Was broken the day it came out of the Cracker Jack box

Which of the following statements makes the most sense to you?

"One point in fact, of which I spoke to you of which, I can't talk to you about it here."
"Well, I'm not a leash, so I don't know, do I?"
"I think something has to be fed...uh, watered, and painted, you know."
"Are you just talking about this or were you just talking about it?"

Somebody is making life difficult for you at work. You:

Read him the riot act
Try to bribe him
Scream at him semi-coherently
Ignore him as best you can
Insist he follow the rules, or get out
Harangue him mercilessly, and take away his coffee
Apologize to him, because it's probably your fault

Will you go to lunch?


Sign on the line which is dotted.

Code adapted from colleen’s quiz tutorial, but don't blame her.
This quiz is a product of Sewergator Enterprises, which is solely reprehensible for its content.
