Sewergator Cartoons

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Alan Dunn, 1953 Greg Volpert, 1982 or 1983 Jim Davis, 1985 Bernard Lorenz, 1987 Bernard Schoenbaum, 1989 Roger Langridge, 1994 Brad Teare, 1994 Brad Teare, 1994 Ziggy, 1999 Ziggy, 2000 Tony Webb, 2001 Prince Valiant, 2001 Delonas, 2001 Mad Magazine, 2001 Adam, 2003 Rubes, 2004 Gahan Wilson, 2004 Franklin Fibbs, 2005 Todd the Dinosaur, 2005 The Other Coast, 2005 Todd the Dinosaur, 2006 Loose Parts, 2006 Broom Hilda, 2006 Brevity, 2007 Sherman's Lagoon, 2007 Close to Home, 2007 Lio, 2008 In the Bleachers, 2008 Mother Goose and Grimm, 2008
