Discover Your Inner Parasite
Malarial Larry sez:
Quiz Time!
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Within any set, there's one member that most closely reflects your personality. If you were a car, you might be a Hyundai, or a '57 Chevy, or a Lamborghini. If you were a bird, you might be a robin, or you might be an eagle, or you might be a fulvous whistling duck. So it is with parasites: in all their diversity, one of them is a cozy match for you. Whichever one dwells within you--we're speaking metaphorically, you understand--this quiz will help you find it. Good luck.
Discover Your Inner Parasite

Did you:

Grow up in one place
Move around occasionally

Now that you're grown up (if you're not, just pretend to be), are you:

Deeply rooted

Would you rather travel by:


Do you:

Know what you want, and seek it aggressively
Just go where life takes you

Which do you find most attractive in a person:

A hard body
Good skin

In a carpool, would you rather be:

The driver
A passenger
Not in the carpool

Would you rather go for:

A swim
A stroll through the woods
A visit to a farm

Around you, do people tend to be:

Open and trusting

You've just bought a new house. Do you:

Leave it pretty much as is
Redecorate (new paint and wallpaper)
Remodel (new windows, break out a few walls, etc.)

At a party, would you rather be:

A mingler
The center of attention

Code adapted from colleen’s quiz tutorial, but don't blame her.
Taenia solium (tapeworm) micrograph by Dr. Jose Luis Molinari. Don't blame him, either.
Plasmodium falciparum (Malarial Larry) micrograph by Oliver Meckes. None of this is his fault.
This quiz is a product of Sewergator Enterprises, which is solely reprehensible for its content.
